SPG Jorhat chapter has been striving to bring the Geoscientists on a common platform for sharing their experience, ideas and knowledge in petroleum exploration to address the ever evolving challenges. An In-field Workshop was organized as part of these SPG endeavours for exposing Geoscientists from various upstream disciplines to real time Seismic data acquisition.
This workshop, organised in association with A & AA Basin comprised of one day spent in a Geophysical field party involved in Wide Azimuth (WAZ) 3D Seismic data acquisition on 27.02.2022 in Charali-Changmaigaon-Nazira area in which a total of 50 geo-scientists and other allied professionals at all levels, right from fresh GTs to Block Managers, participated in the event.
Ms. Sushma Rawat ED-BM & Patron SPG Jorhat Chapter, while flagging off the field trip to in-field workshop highlighted the importance of quality seismic data in oil exploration industry and need to respect the data and appreciate the immense efforts behind its acquisition.
Anenthused team of participants, along with Deepak Sareen, HGS, GPS and Sh. R K singh, I/c Ops left Luit Bhavan, Cinnamara for field camp at Mezenga in early Morning where Party Chief GP-23, Sh. Rajiv Mahanta welcomed the participants and a breakfast was served.
After a safety briefing and ONGC song there was an extensive technical session addressing seismic data acquisition design and in-field practices by Sh. Akash Chandra, member of GP23. Many audio-visual depictions of field work were presented. This was followed by a much contested Quiz Competition conducted by Sh. RBN Singh, I/c Logging services and Sh. K V Mithun, SG(S), on geosciences wherein winners were presented with spot prizes.
A demonstration of actual ground electronics was made by laying out a small scale multi-line telemetry seismic spread in camp grounds; complete with Geophones, cables, station units, line testers, GPS equipment and seismograph. This helped participants realize the ground realities of a seismic survey before actual visit to the field in the afternoon session. A set of poster presentations helped explain the finer points of seismic data acquisition in considerable detail.
Participants showed great interest in upcoming state of art Nodal seismic system displayed in this exposition and marvelled at the large scale simplification of logistics by this technology that is getting inducted in ONGC for the first time in GPS, Jorhat in March 2022.
After this very engrossing fore-noon session a sumptuous outdoor lunch was served which was made memorable by a very pleasant weather. It was then time to leave for field where by this time shooting had already begun after troubleshooting of field spread.
The convoy of participants was taken firstly to the shot-hole loading and shooting location and after some much-appreciated leg work reached the shot line location. The whole process of depth verification, charge priming and loading was demonstrated. The participants with maiden visit to field were literally thrilled by feeling the vibrations of the earth while blasting the shot holes.
Subsequently, all the members proceeded to the instrument where, in small batches of participants were taken inside recording truck where they witnessed the real-time shot control and data recording with real time visualization of data and different types of noises.
The event concluded upon arrival back at Jorhat with a valedictory function and vote of thanks by Sh. Ambrish Tripathi, CG (S) Secretary SPG Jorhat Chapter.
This memorable event could be organised only because of encouragement and support of SPG India President Sh. S K Sharma ED-CGS, Patron SPG Jorhat chapter Ms. Sushma Rawat, ED-BM and meticulous planning and execution by all the members of SPG Jorhat executive body especially President Sh. Deepak Sareen, CGM(GP),Vice-President Sh. RBN Singh, GM(W), Advisor Sh. N .M Dutta, GM(GP), Secretary Sh. Ambrish Tripathi CG(S), Treasure Sh. Mrinmoy Sharma, SG(S), Joint Secretary Sh. Ankur Ahmed, SG(S) and executive members Sh. KV Mithun SG(S) & Sh. Manas Pratim Gogoi, Geophy (S).