A technical webinar was organized by SPG, India on “Horizons and Well Tops - Where Data meets Reality” on 22nd March 2022 by Suresh Nistala, Ecopetrol, Bogota. The technical webinar highlighted through reviews on legacy onshore seismic data andits challenges of accurate velocity models.Mr. Nistala discussed about several modern processing techniques (i.e., de-ghosting, Q compensation and Q migration etc.)and how these techniques can be used to get a correct velocity model.
He also emphasised on the uses of geologically constraint attributes such as well markers, check shots etc. for reprocessing of the seismic data and these are the key to getting the Velocity Models correct. Mr. Nistala had shown example of first 3D seismic survey in Colombia.He described about the using of check shots and well logs to get a correct velocity model which resulted in desired PSDM imaging and lowering of risk.
The horizon-based velocity analysis creates geometrically consistent velocity models tied in 3D, reducing the positioning uncertainty of steep horizons, and imaging the geological structures with greater accuracy and detail. The geometry and position of the events is refined in time as well as in depth. The final velocity field for PSTM is stable as an input to tomographic update iterations for PSDM. Vertical or horizontal smoothing is in principle not applied at any stage, but if required, small smoothing operators can mitigate for minor artefacts in the velocity field.
The webinar session was attended by the members of SPG-India from all over the country and geoscientists of KDMIPE, GEOPIC, Frontier Basins and professors and students from different Institutes. The lecture was well appreciated by all the participants and praised by one and all for its contents and thoughtful discussion provided by the presenter. During the webinar session participants actively participated on discussion and asked various question related to velocity model building and uses of horizon tops and check shot data for seismic imaging.
Earlier, Shri Shiv Kumar Sharma, President, SPG-India gave the welcome speech. The vote of thanks was given by Secretary SPG-India Shri Onkar Singh. The entire webinar session was coordinated by Dr. Subhash Kumar Sharma, Treasurer, SPG-India.
A technical webinar was organized by SPG, India on “Frequency Dependent Seismic AVO Modeling and Anaysis” on Feb 25, 2022 by Dr. Dhananjay Kumar, British Petroleum (BP), Houston, USA.
The focus of the talk was on AVO response for a stack of layers is frequency-dependent and complex number. The frequency dependency in modeling equation comes from the phase (time) delays in reservoir layers as the seismic wave propagates through the reservoir. The talk also highlights about the model to simulate seismic responses for various lithology stacking patterns and fluid properties. Dr. Dhananjay gives emphasis on resolving the anomaly better by tuning frequencies using frequency-dependent seismic attributes. The talk presented the theory, model examples and seismic data example from offshore Trinidad to discuss frequency dependent AVO analysis.
The webinar session was attended by the members of SPG-India from all over the country and other Geoscientists of KDMIPE, GEOPIC, Frontier Basins and professors and students from different Institutes.
The lecture was well appreciated by all the participants and praised by one and all for its contents and thoughtful discussion provided by the presenter. During the webinar session participants actively participated on discussion and asked various question related to seismic data acquisition.
Earlier, Shri Shiv Kumar Sharma, President SPG-India gave the welcome speech. The vote of thanks was given by Shri Onkar Singh, Secretary, SPG India. The entire webinar session was coordinated by Dr. Subhash Kumar Sharma, Treasurer, SPG-India.
A technical webinar was organized by SPG, India on “Exploration Strategies for Frontier Petroleum Plays of Offshore India” on 8th October, 2021 by Dr. D M Nathaniel,Nate Petroleum Development and Research LLP. The focus of the talk was on novel concepts, modern technologies, research imperatives and experiences to realise the hidden hydrocarbon potential of deep- and ultra-deep provinces of India. They are:
Sector-wise prospectivity of western and eastern offshore. Finally, it was emphasised that, exploration of such under explored provinces requires a product-driven petroleum-research approach as a part of the play-based exploration paradigm in unravelling the wide-spread hydrocarbon potential of the deep and ultra-deepwaters of India
The webinar session was attended by the members of SPG-India from all over the country and other Geoscientists of KDMIPE, GEOPIC, Frontier Basins and professors and students from different Institutes. The lecture was well appreciated by all the participants and praised by one and all for its contents and thoughtful discussion provided by the presenter. During the webinar session participants actively participated on discussion and asked various question related to seismic data acquisition.
Earlier, Shri Shiv Kumar Sharma, President SPG-India gave the welcome speech. The vote of thanks was given by Shri C B Yadava, Vice President, SPG India. The entire webinar session was coordinated by Shri ShashwatShubhra, Executive Member, SPG-India.
A technical webinar was organized by SPG, India on “Seismic Attribute Characterization of Fractured Basement Reservoirs” on 15th September, 2021 by Dr. Satinder Chopra, Founder and President, SamiGeo Consulting Ltd, Calgary.
The technical webinar highlighted through reservoir characterization of fracture basement with the help of different seismic attributes. Dr. Chopra emphasised on three methodologies to characterize fracture basement. viz; mapping of the basement marker using voice component attribute, determination of faults and fractures and their corroboration with image logs using multispectral coherence, curvature and maximum likelihood attributes and determination of fracture porosity and brittleness at the basement level using superior brittleness attributes. Finally, integration of the results to generate a model to understand the reservoir potential was discussed with examples from different basins around the globe.
The webinar session was attended by the members of SPG-India from all over the country and other Geoscientists of KDMIPE, GEOPIC, Frontier Basins and professors and students from different Institutes. The lecture was well appreciated by all the participants and praised by one and all for its contents and thoughtful discussion provided by the presenter. During the webinar session participants actively participated on discussion and asked various question related to seismic data acquisition.
Earlier, Shri Shiv Kumar Sharma, President SPG-India gave the welcome speech. The vote of thanks was given by Shri C B Yadav, Vice President, SPG India. The entire webinar session was coordinated by Shri Shashwat Shubhra, Executive Member, SPG-India.
In these trying times when the entire world is grappling to survive from the wraths of an unapologetic virus, and the academic life of every student has shifted to online curriculums, increasing stress and anxiety is one alarming observation.
Keeping this in mind, the student chapters of Department of Geological Sciences, Jadavpur University, American Association of Petroleum Geologists (AAPG), Society of Exploratio Geophysicists (SEG) and Society of Petroleum Geophysicists (SPG), came forward with an initiative to organize one special session with Dr. Chandrima Banerjee, a highly reputed counselling specialist with over 25 years of expertise in the field of pyscho-spiritual therapy and the head of DSL - Don't Survive… Live”, to introduce the intriguing field of 'Stress Counselling with Music Therapy' to our students.
The event was held via the online platform of Google meet on the evening of May 13, 2021 and was made open to all students, including undergraduate, postgraduate and research scholars of our department as well as for the Geology Department of Ashutosh College, Calcutta.
More than 140 students had registered for the event, and around 80 students participated during the online meet with our esteemed guest, Dr. Chandrima, who has herself pursued her BA from Presidency University, Kolkata, MA in Industrial Sociology, from Calcutta University and PhD from Indian Institute of Technology, Bombay. The host for the day was Ms. Debarima Pal, a first-year postgraduate student of Department of Geological Sciences, Jadavpur University, who is also the Vice-President of AAPG student chapter.
The training module was designed especially for our students and elaborated greatly on the necessity of having a happy life free from the shackles of stress. It illuminated our students about the optimum level of stress and its importance in fueling high performances.
The event was a huge success with avid interest among the participants and soulful interaction. Music works wonders on stressed minds and so, a delightful end was drawn to this event with a clip of Dr. Chandrima, singing a beautiful, calming melody.
A technical webinar was organized by SPG, India on “Expanding Exploration Horizons: Endowments, Challenges and Opportunities” on 12th March, 2021 by Dr. Harilal, Ex. ED, ONGC.
The technical webinar highlighted through different aspects of geosciences like gravity modelling, thin beds delineation using seismic attributes, remote sensing studies etc. focusing conventional as well as non-conventional hydrocarbon exploration. He emphasised on looking for new frontiers of exploration for hydrocarbon and also expanding our horizons beyond our conventional concept such as sediments below what used to be considered as technical basement (example Kutch Basin).
The webinar session was attended by the members of SPG-India from all over the country and other Geoscientists of KDMIPE, GEOPIC, Frontier Basins and professors and students from different Institutes. The lecture was well appreciated by all the participants and praised by one and all for its contents and thoughtful discussion provided by the presenter. During the webinar session participants actively participated on discussion and asked various question related to the webinar.
Earlier, Shri Shiv Kumar Sharma, President SPG-India gave the welcome speech. The vote of thanks was given by Shri C B Yadava, Vice President, SPG India. The entire webinar session was coordinated by Shri Shashwat Shubhra, Executive Member, SPG-India
Society of Petroleum Geophysicists,Chennai Chapter organized four Webinarsfor the years 2020 and 2021. The webinars were organised with view to share the frontier G&G technologies and standard / trending industry practices amongst the Geo-scientific community across ONGC. The virtual sessions were chaired by Patron, SPG, Chennai Chapter, Shri R. K. Dhasmana, ED-Basin Manager, KG-PG Basin. All the four webinars got very encouraging response and SPG and APG were participated in large numbers.
The first technical talk on 'METHODOLOGY ADOPTED FOR PLAY BASED EXPLORATION IN MUMBAI OFFSHORE' presented by Western Offshore Basin Teamon 17/12/2020.The team from WOB,Mumbai elaborated the importance of Play Based Exploration.
The PBE methodology is encapsulated in the “Exploration Pyramid”, where the initial focus is on the basics - the determination and description of the regional context and the basin framework leading to an understanding of the working petroleum system's, Petroleum system understanding forms the basis for the subsequent play focus - quantifying the various aspects of the system within each play, and using tools such as common risk segment mapping to highlight sweet spots within each play.
The session commenced with a brief address bythe SPG Patron Shri R. K. Dhasmana, where in he welcomed the team of speakers and exhorted the young executives for a proactive and a research oriented approach.
The second webinar was on 'SEISNETICS – THE UNSUPERVISED ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE & GENETIC DECODING OF 3D DATA VOLUME TO SPEED UP AND AUGMENT INTERPRETATION' presented by M/s Seisnetics-FZ LLC USA. This was conducted online on 28/01/2021. Mr. Anthony Aming from M/s Seisnetics explained the requirement of faster and efficient algorithms for E&P business. He also deliberated about the efficient analysis of your 3D seismic volumes and essential requirement to optimize investment to divestment decision-making. Seisnetics Software Suite provides value in analysing the prospectivity of new venture areas to the identification of missed opportunities within existing known areas of production.
The online session commenced with a brief welcome address by Shri. ED-Basin Manager Shri R.K. Dhasmana and President SPG Shri Sanjeev Tokhi, GGM(GP).The team from Seisnetics elaborated about the use of artificial intelligence and machine learning in Exploration.
The speaker explained the fundamentals of ES360 imaging system and its advantages. He elaborated on the use of Directional gathers for deriving different seismic attributes which helps in identification of small faults, stratigraphic edges and reservoir heterogeneities.He also discussed about the information encoded in diffraction energy can help explain reservoir compartmentalization, permeability and performance.
It is this information that is masked by the dominant specular energy and irretrievably lost through the integration and stacking processes that are employed in standard seismic processing and imaging procedures. While these standard procedures improve signal-to-noise ratios, they do not recover the detail that can resolve subsurface complexities, influence prospectivity decisions, or control reservoir behaviour.
Figure from the session: Depth slice 1372 m, different ranges of dip were stacked. As we separate reflections from diffraction energy, karsts and faults are revealed with higher resolution. From upper left to lower right: all dips stacked (0°-45°), 0°-15°, 15°-30°, 30°-45.
EarthStudy 360 creates a new set of deliverables that can be easily worked into the seismic interpretation process. The key advantage of this system is the ability to decompose and separate the wavefield into specular reflection and diffraction energy. Specular reflection stacks can be used to emphasize and interpret major continuous events and major discontinuities, while diffraction stacks can be used to interpret and delineate high-resolution.
The fourth webinar is on "Hydrocarbons Reserves and Resources: Compliances to PRMS 2018" by Smt. Barnali Barua Tokhi, President (Technical) at BPRL. This webinar jointly conducted by APG India Southern Chapter & SPG India, Chennai Chapter on 09/04/2021.
Petroleum Resources Management System (PRMS) is a system developed for consistent and reliable definition, classification, and estimation of hydrocarbon resources. Key changes from PRMS 2007 to PRMS 2018 was thoroughly portrayed along with various evaluation methods deterministic & probabilistic methods and clearly shown its correct application, results, investment decisions etc. Also, a case study was presented for a field from Middle East.
The presentation followed a Q & A interactive session wherein many of the nuances were discussed in detail. The Webinar was well received by G & G fraternity across India.
A technical webinar was organized by SPG, India on “Seismic Data Acquisition – Philosophy, use and abuse” on 26th November 2020 by Shri C. V. Rao, Ex-GM, ONGC. The technical webinar highlighted through reviews on the basics of seismic data acquisition and its advancement in past few decades. Shri Rao started his talk with wave propagation principle and the philosophy of seismic data acquisition and ended with discussing recently developed acquisition techniques like High Density Seismic, Node Based Seismic and Wireless Seismic.
He also emphasised on the importance of optimized survey designing on seismic acquisition.
The webinar session was attended by the members of SPG-India from all over the country and other Geoscientists of KDMIPE, GEOPIC, Frontier Basins and professors and students from different Institutes. The lecture was well appreciated by all the participants and praised by one and all for its contents and thoughtful discussion provided by the presenter. During the webinar session participants actively participated on discussion and asked various question related to seismic data acquisition.
Earlier, Shri Shiv Kumar Sharma, President SPG-India gave the welcome speech. The vote of thanks was given by Vice President SPG-India Shri C B Yadava. The entire webinar session was coordinated by Dr. Koushik Biswas, Executive Member, SPG-India.
Vadodara Chapter of SPG (Society of Petroleum Geophysicists) and APG (Association of Petroleum Geologists) organized a series of technical webinars on 10th& 12th September 2020. The objective of the lecture series was aimed towards knowledge sharing amongst the geo-scientific community with an active industry-academia collaboration. The sessions were chaired by Patron, SPG&APG, Vadodara Chapter, ED-Basin Manager Shri H. Madhavan and active participation from members of SPG and APG Vadodara, students from MS University and Kutch University.
The first technical talk on “Principles of Gravity in Petroleum Exploration” was delivered by the guest speaker Sh. J N Prabhakarudu, an Ex-ONGCian, a Domain Expert in the field of Gravity & Magnetic and other non-seismic methods, having rich experience of more than three and a half decades. He has authored three technical books and to his credit has a patent on Microgravity Method for Petroleum Identification in his name.
The session commenced with a brief address bythe SPG Patron Shri H. Madhavan, wherein he welcomed the guest speaker and exhorted the young executives for a proactive and a research oriented approach.
The technical talk by Sh. Prabhakarudu, dealt with different case studies pertaining to gravity anomalies in Cambay, Saurashtra and Vindhyan basins, and their utilities in hydrocarbon prospecting. He also elucidated various advanced techniques in gravity anomaly surveys, viz. Micro-gravity, Borehole gravity, 4D gravity and Full tensor gravity gradiometry.
Two technical talks were delivered by distinguished guest speakers from Academia on 12th September 2020,Prof. M. G. Thakkar, HOD, Dept. of Earth and Environmental Science, KSKV Kutch University, and Prof. Dhananjay Sant, MS University Baroda. The online sessions commenced with a brief welcome address by Shri H.Madhavan.
The first technical talk was on the “Geology of Kutch Basin”by Prof. M.G. Thakkar. Having vast experience and deep understanding of geology Kutch area, he began with explaining the physiographic divisions of Kachchh region.The area is an excellent example of a tectonically controlled landscape, whose physiographic features are a manifestation of the earth movements along the tectonic lineaments of the Pre-Mesozoic basin configuration, which was produced by the primordial fault pattern in the Precambrian basement. Physical features of Kachchh are characterized by the contrasting occurrences of extensive plains and highlands with rugged topography.
Prof. Thakkar also elaborated extensively about the general stratigraphy of the region, and then delving into the tectonic settings of the Kachchh Basin.
The second technical talk was on the topic, 'Microtremor Study (HVSR) in Kutch Basin' by Prof. Dhananjay Sant. Heelucidated his research work on Microtremor-Horizontal to Vertical Spectral Ratio (HVSR) technique, as a tool to map the extension of rock outcrop/features in subsurface, and to demarcate distinct rheological contrasts up to shallow depth of 2000m. Microtremor surveys use ambient noise as the signal. Their ability to generate rapid single station records at a required resolution, and the cost effective operations, are some of the incentives of using a microtremor survey.
Prof. Sant then presented his research work in Kachchh region, a maiden attempt to map shallow subsurface rheological interfaces laterally across the Banni Plains and to decode geometry of the antecedent faults associated with the Kachchh Mainland Fault using the microtremor method.
Prof. Sant further clarified that the ambient noise encapsulates fundamental resonant frequency of the sediment layers. These resonant frequencies derived from the microtremors show strong correlation with the velocity of the Rayleigh waves and the thickness of the sediments. For a given fundamental resonant frequency, there exists an empirical relationship between the depth of an interface and the velocity of seismic waves (Vs) for the given interface.
The event culminated with the concluding remarks from SPG Patron Sh. H. Madhavan, who thanked the guest speakers for such insightful talks and emphasized in more such Industry Academia collaborations. The event was a grand success attended by more than 130 participants.
President SPG Shri Rajesh Madan, GGM (GP) and Vice President Shri G Ganeshan CGM (Geol) and the Basin Office were instrumental in making the event successful. The vote of thanks was given by Sh. Sanjay Kumar, Secretary, SPG Vadodara Chapter. The event was ably compered by Mr. Vipul Chawla, Jt. Secretary, SPG Vadodara.
SPG Mumbai Chapter organised a technical webinar titled “Fundamentals on Multicomponent” on 21st August 2020 at SPIC-ONGC, Panvel. The session is a part of continuous and relentless efforts of SPG to share ideas and experiences to the geo-scientific community and to express & exchange views on fundamentals on Multicomponent.
The session was chaired by Shri S. K. Sharma Officiating President SPG Mumbai Chapter. Shri K. Vasudevan, Vice President APG Mumbai Chapter was the Chief Guest. SPG Mumbai Chapter Office bearers, Geoscientists from different G & G companies like Schlumberger, Emerson etc. and students from different Universitieshad taken part in the webinar.
Shri M. K. Jain, the learned speaker has a vastwork-experience in ONGC for 36 years. He worked very extensively for Reservoir Characterization for 4 years. He worked 28 years in Processing at different centres including GEOPIC, Jorhat, Baroda,Mumbai in ONGC. He Contributed for HC discoveries in many exploratory locations. He worked for a quite long time at Multicomponent technology in Cambay Basin and one of the Pioneer of this technology in ONGC.
Shri P. R. Balak, Vice President SPG Mumbai Chapter made the opening remark of the technical session. He said that focus to imbibe recent advancements in Multicomponent acquisition and processing in India should be our focussed area to work upon.Shri K. Vasudevan, President, APG Mumbai Chapter elaborated the exploration challenges in Western Offshore Basin.
He was also very much enthusiasticabout the processing outcome of recently acquired multicomponent survey in Western Offshore Basin.
The webinar witnessed a prolonged Question & Answer session from the enthusiastic audience and Mr. Jain explained patiently all the queries in detail with his baritone voice. Shri S K Sharma,President,SPG Mumbai Chapter emphasised the simple, detailed approach of Mr. Jain in explaining the basic ideasof Multicomponent Seismic Survey, which itself is a challenging technology.
Mr. Pritam Bera, young executive skilfully anchored the program and delivered the vote of thanks.
Team SPG
Mumbai, Chapter
The objective of the field trip was to provide an insight to the members the concepts a 3D seismic data acquisition. The trip provided an opportunity to geologist, reservoirs engineers apart from geo physicists a ONGC, GERMI and GSPC to understand the finer details of field party functioning. Party Chief and the party members took keen interest and apprised the participants about the steps involved in Acquisition and on field processing. The activities were demonstrated live in the field.
The fundamentals of Seismic data acquisition, the objective of the survey, the geometry of the survey was explained and illustrated in a very simple but exhaustive way. The daylong field trip proved to be very educative and enriching experience to all the participants. SPG members got actively involved in technical discussions and got their doubts cleared
The trip ended with a parting note to the Party Chief and the entire crew of GP-16 for the extra efforts taken by them for explaining and demonstrating the field activities.
The chapter expresses its deep appreciation and is thankful to all of them. Thanks are due to the coordinator from the Basin for facilitating the trip. The chapter acknowledges with thanks HGS, Baroda for having granted the necessary permission for the trip.
SPG – Ahmedabad Chapter