Any person engaged in the practice or teaching of Geophysics may apply for Active membership, provided the applicant holds a Masters' degree in Geophysics/Physics or related scientific or engineering discipline from a University/College of acceptable academic standards.
Any Institute or Organization engaged in geophysical exploration, geophysical research or a related field, or in furnishing services or products, used in geophysical exploration/research or has an active interest and credentials in supporting the aims and objectives of the Society.
Any Post Graduate student studying in Geophysics / Physics or related scientific or engineering discipline may apply for student membership. Student member may not be required to pay any membership fee
SPG members have the privilege of being invited to partake in both online and in-person lectures & workshops. Additionally, members have the opportunity to participate in conferences with discounted registration fees that are exclusively applicable to members. Members of the SPG can have direct access to all technical papers published in journals and conference proceedings.
All the content is available on the SPG website for their convenience. Members may have a unique opportunity to join the organizing committee and sub committees for biennial conferences and workshops held by the society. It is an excellent way to build skill set and participate in meaningful discourse.
SPG presents students with an amazing learning opportunity through virtual and offline lectures/workshops. As a student member, you are eligible to participate in these activities. Student members of the SPG have an opportunity to present a technical paper at the conference. Upon acceptance of their paper, they'll be given a registration fee waiver, along with boarding and lodging cost covered by SPG. Thus, presenting their paper is not just beneficial for career development but also financially.
Student members of SPG local student chapters have the chance to take part in a variety of student programs at the conference which is purely nominations received based. SPG offers unrestricted access to scientific papers from its journals and gatherings on its website. Student members may have a chance to attend international meetings, with SPG covering the travel expenses